Servers / Windows OS

How to Change Forgotten User or Admin Password on Windows 7/8/10

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If you are system administrator then you must know how to change forgotten password or unknown password on Windows OS. In this tutorial i will show you how to do that.

First you need bootable CD/DVD or USB to start Windows with it. Then, when your system  installation start press Shift + F10 which will take you directly to Command Prompt ( cmd ) like on image below.

Install Windows - Shift + F10 to open CMD
Install Windows – Shift + F10 to open CMD

When we finished this step, we need to check on which drive letter is our system. This will do with typing diskpart then list volume   and check all partitions. When you check what is your system drive letter, type exit and go to the next step.

Install Windows - Check partitions
Install Windows – Check partitions

Now we need to copy sticky keys from your system parition to C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe to C:\ to create backup. Then repleace C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe with C:\Windows\System32\sethc.exe . This part is important. To complete this part see image below and follow the code.

Install Windows - Replace sethc with cmd
Install Windows – Replace sethc with cmd

Now we need to reboot computer and wait for system boot up. When the system load to the users screen just press 5-6 times Shift and you will start sticky keys which we earlier replace with cmd ( see image below ).

Install Windows - Start Sticky Keys - CMD
Install Windows – Start Sticky Keys – CMD

In the Command Prompt typing net user and hit Enter. On the screen you will see all user on the computer. Then you use command net user <username> <new password>  to change password. In some case you can create administrator user if is not exists and then you can manage with all users on the computer.

Install Windows - Change Password on Administrator
Install Windows – Change Password on Administrator

That is it, if you have a questions or suggestions just write the comment and i will review and answer on that.

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